Totton College is part of Nacro, a social justice charity. Nacro, Totton College and its services are committed to promoting equality and diversity in all its activities to promote inclusive processes, practices and culture.

  • We will strive to work to eliminate any unlawful or unfair discrimination including direct or indirect discrimination, discrimination by association, discrimination linked to a perceived characteristic, harassment and victimisation.
  • We will remain proactive in taking steps to ensure inclusion and engagement for all the people who work for and with us.
  • We will continue to strive towards a culture that is diverse and inclusive that recognises and develops the potential of all staff and service users.
  • We recognise the business benefits and opportunities of having a diverse community of staff who value one another and realising the contribution they can make to achieving the vision of Totton College.

This includes promoting equality and diversity for all irrespective of:

  • age*
  • disability*
  • ethnicity (including race, colour and nationality)*
  • gender*
  • gender reassignment*
  • religion or belief*
  • sexual orientation*
  • marriage and civil partnership*
  • pregnancy and maternity*
  • refugees and asylum seekers
  • people with diverse communication needs
  • ex-offenders

*Under the Equality Act (2010) these are known as “protected characteristics”.

As the policy statement says, it applies to all staff, students, trustees, volunteers and those with whom we work in partnership.


Nacro’s vision is to lead the way in ensuring comprehensive prevention, offender management and resettlement services are available across England and Wales. Equality, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of realising this vision. Our approach to equality and diversity is based on the following principles:

Fairness We will work in a way which promotes equality and diversity and which does not discriminate against any of our staff, service users or volunteers.

Respect We will work in partnership with staff, service users and volunteers to encourage a culture where everyone receives respect and can voice their diverse needs, knowing that they will be heard.

Honesty We will work to ensure that our practices are transparent and open to scrutiny.

Providing opportunity We will work towards a culture where all service users, staff and volunteers have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Expertise and excellence We will work to high standards to ensure that the diverse needs of service users are recognised and met.

Achieving our vision: taking action and getting results

The action we take to achieve our vision is vital is covered by Nacro’s Equality and Diversity Scheme and action plan. The scheme reflects our commitment to good practice and identifies the key issues for Nacro as an employer and service provider. It takes account of legislative and regulatory requirements and identifies key goals to be achieved.

The scheme is assessed and reviewed on a six monthly basis and the results are publicly available. To integrate equality and diversity into everything we do, all of Nacro’s directorates have equality and diversity action plans. Corporate and regional equality and diversity working groups ensure good practice is shared and barriers identified.

Reviews on progress and details of our approach to equality and diversity are available on request from

Getting involved and keeping informed

People who work for and with Nacro or who use Nacro’s services are integral to making our vision of equality and diversity a reality. This includes:

  • playing an active role in equality and diversity and engagement working groups
  • taking part in corporate and local training and awareness programmes to equip staff and service users with the skills and knowledge they need to understand and meet the needs of colleagues and service users
  • reading Nacro’s Equality and Diversity Scheme
  • participating in and promoting staff network groups that have been set up to add value to our equality and diversity practice
  • making a commitment to be involved and become a diversity champion

If you require this policy statement in an alternative format, call 020 7840 6433 or email